In the present our societies are very different from the past. Now everything is very fast and easy, because we have very many technologies to help us in everything such as conversation, washing, marketing and studying. So I want to show you some tool which can help your conversation and your marketing, it's Twitter. It's very easy to use and fast too.
To use the twitter is very easy. You just have internet and smartphone or computer. When you have them, the next step you have to go to by writing on address on brower. Next you have to sign up on webpage of the twitter by writing your full name, your mail and your password. You can use the twitter of conversation with your family, your friends and your customers. You can use the
twitter everywhere and every time such as when you go to university by bus or go to your office. You can use on bus or on your car. Therefore you should not think it's hard, you just do it, because it's very easy.
Conversation by the twitter is used fast and all the worlds. If you want to converse with your friends or your families the twitter is your choice. It's very fast, because you just post something what you want to say and they will know about that. Although they live another country, they will know about what you want to say too, because the twitter is used all the worlds. That is why we should use the twitter for our conversation because it's fast and used all the worlds.

Businessman can use the twitter for marketing. The twitter can be used to promote your goods or your information for your customer. When you announce goods or information on the twitter, your customer who follows you on the twitter will know fast everything about your new goods or information. The twitter is very popular, so it's very fit for marketing. Singer and actor who are popular very like to use the twitter, so most people like to use the twitter too. For this reason when you use the twitter for your marketing, it makes most people have known your goods and you will have customer from all world in the short time.
The twitter is very easy tool to use in conversation and promote your goods. You just have internet and smartphone or computer enough to use it. And the twitter is tool for conversation which is used around the world. So you can use it for conversation around the world and it's also very fast. You can use the twitter for your marketing. Because you just post about your goods, everybody will know your goods. Therefor you should use the twitter to help for conversation and to make marketing your business. When you use the twitter help youม, everything will be easy.